Charlotte Game - Ability Z

Ever wondered what ability you'd have if you were in the Charlotte anime? Well, wonder no more! By answering 13 multiple choice questions, you can find out easily! This game consists of all the recorder Charlotte abilities in the anime, including "Plunder", "Collapse" and "Teleportation"!

What is Charlotte?

In an alternate world, supernatural abilities manifest in certain children once they hit puberty. The ability they get has both its ups and downs, examples of such can be something as running with super human speed, but you cannot control where you stop, or time travelling, but after travelling too many times you go blind!

This game is a quiz-like game, using the source code you can edit it to fit your own needs and work like you want it to work!

Note: If you constantly get the same ability over and over again, or you don't want some of the abilities, feel free to delete the ability from the source code, I made it so you can easily modify the game code without running into a ton of errors  :)

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